Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Adventures is Sewing - work skirt

I am feeling pretty awesome about this little project I made on Sunday.  It was a very simple pattern to follow, which are best kind to try!
My sister had sent me the link for the pattern a few weeks back, but I was waiting on the mailman to bring my new fabric cutting board and roller cutter to really get to work.

This is the basic pattern.  My skirt tube was only 36 inches around (as opposed to the pattern that called for it to be 60"), so there is less of a twirl to mine.  The waist is elastic so you can play around to find the best fit for you.  I was thinking a tad more fitted would be better for the office.
For this pattern, you fold the fabric in half, stitch a 1/2" seam up the length of the skirt.  Iron open (there is a ton of ironing in sewing!)

You will then stitch a half inch hem line on one end and a one and a half inch hem on the other side (which will give you a one inch border to feed the elastic through).  Be sure to leave an opening for the elastic.


After feeding the elastic through, stitch both ends together.  You finish it off by sewing closed the opening you left for the elastic.
Knowing this pattern did not call for a lining, I picked a fabric that would be thick enough on it's own.  I do want to try this again with other fabrics and linings.
What do you think?  Are you  hitting the sewing machine as we speak to file your wardrobe with simple skirts?!
{Adventures in Sewing - 52 projects in 52 weeks.  2/52 complete... I better get to work!}

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