Friday, April 12, 2013

High Five for Friday!

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Oh Friday, how I have missed you!  Let’s recap the best parts of this week with Lauren’s High-Five for Friday link-up!

First, we must high-five Spring for finally arriving, fashionably late, but it is here!  Wednesday and Thursday’s weather was glorious!!  Perfect for lunch breaks outside!!

enjoying my lunch outside... I can't wait for my poor pale skin to have a little color!

(today we are having a crummy down pour outside, but at least the pollen will be washed off the car!... think positive)

Getting to spend my lunch break’s this week  with Brandon’s new little niece, Tenleigh!  She arrived just last week with a full head of dark hair and perfect little chubby cheeks!  Lunch dates with my soon-to-be sister-in-law and the little misses are definitely going to fill up my calendar! 

Baby Tenleigh at two days old when Brandon and I went to visit her at the hospital

A busy, but definitely productive week!  I have been organizing (and reorganizing) my to do list and can happily say that most of that list has been tackled!

Cirque Du Soleil with my parents and little brother last night.  The shows seem to always have an intricate (read = creepy)  storyline, but the acrobatic talent of the cast is amazingly impressive!

And the cup of coffee that I am chugging after last night’s show!  The alarm clock and I were not friends this morning… the snooze button however; there is a special place in heaven for inventions like that!

1 comment:

  1. That E coffee cup is precious. I have seen those at Anthro and always thought about grabbing one. I love Cirque du Soleil, but some of their story lines are definitely a little creepy. Stopping by from the link-up =)
