Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was the kind that makes you want to buy a lottery ticket and spend the rest of your days as a professional vacationer (that's a career, right?!).
I was back down in the Outer Banks visiting with family who was down from Michigan and Pennsylvania.  A weekend at the beach is amazing, but add in a crowd of family and it is heaven.
We rode down late Wednesday night so we could wake up to enjoy a full morning.  Brandon and I had started our 21 Day Fix plan and I wanted to keep up with it so I woke up early to get my workout in before the rest of the house woke up.  The fresh beach air was the best way to start the day!
We had amazing weather all weekend which made for long days spent on the beach.  We all enjoyed swimming in the ocean, lunches on the beach, and bocce ball in the sand.
Saturday morning, my aunt, cousins and I woke up before our alarm clock to walk to the ocean to catch the sunrise.  We sat on the beach and watched the sun come up along with the other morning beach combers.

On Sunday, I tried to squeeze a day full of activities in before lunch.  My brother's sweet girlfriend, who teaches yoga and dance, woke up early with me and gave me a private little yoga session on the beach.  It was hands-down one of the best workouts I have had!  Before heading back for coffee we played around with poses and head stands. 

After breakfast, I took a ride down to the boardwalk in Duck.  I grabbed grapes at the local farmer's stand and walked along the water's edge.
I raced back to the house to get in a little paddleboard fun.  The sound was so calm and made for fun paddling and an awful attempt at yoga on the board.
After taking a shower (because of course I fell in the water), I headed back home.  It felt so good to be home and unpacked, but during the week it is hard to not want to be back with my toes in the sand.

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