Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Friday Night Fail

Friday evening I had the brilliant idea to go on an after dinner walk with our dog, Hunter.
Brandon was working so Hunter and I set off alone into the woods behind our new house to let him get out some energy.  It started as a normal walk, I turned on Pandora so Hunter and I could jam out, he sniffed and peed on everything, and we chatted.  We came to a fork in the road and decided to take a left.  I was under the assumption that the path we were on looped back around to the original path and would take us back to the tree line... oh but I was so so wrong.  

The grass started to get taller on the path, the sun was setting a bit quicker than anticipated and then, as we hit an unexpected fork, the Pandora cut out and we were stranded.  Then I heard a rustle in the woods (which I am 110% sure was a giant grizzly bear!)!  Hunter and I picked up the pace (read: full out sprinted) and ran along what I realized was the back end of the property.  I thought we were close to the end of the woods when I ran into the giant piece of machinery.  I called Brandon frantically, thinking he would at least have some idea of where I was and be able to direct me towards civilization... no answer!  Hunter was helpfully stopping every 4 feet to pee on each bush (I imagine this was his Hansel and Gretel version of bread crumbs) so at least they would be able to find our bear-mauled bodies in the daylight.

After a few more wrong turns, dead ends and my loud cursing of country life we found our way to the open field by the road.  Granted we were on the entire opposite side of the 100 acre property, but we made it out alive!

We got back to the house and I gave Hunter a quick once over for ticks and that's when the fun really began!  I rushed him into the bath and spent the next hour of my Friday evening washing a plucking ticks of the poor dog.  I feel like we eradicated the entire tick population of Virginia!

 Brandon was able to get a break from work and call me back... he was a little concerned how I was able to get lost in our own backyard.  Needless to say Sense of Direction is not a quality I list on resumes.

 My bruised ego, and our ticking-hating dog have decided no more walks without Brandon! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Happy Blogging!

As we get closer and closer to finishing our new home, I can't wait to be blogging again more!  Katie at Keep Calm and Carry On {love, love, love her blog!!} wrote a great post last week about getting back to blogging and renewing everyone's love of this favorite hobby! 
So here I am!
We have been busy over here with best friend's weddings, house decisions (flooring, cabinets, outlets... oh my), family birthdays, and more weddings to come!  All the hustle and bustle starts to blur together and all the sudden it's June!
I thought I would start back to blogging with a quick
Watching… Playing House on USA.  This show has me laughing out loud over and over again, and of course, wanting to move in with my best friend!
Reading… The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (I am a junkie for these type of books.  All part of my game-plan to rule the world!), and waiting for a copy of Emily Griffin’s new book to come in the mail from my old roommate! Then just give me a beach chair and a few hours!
Listening… Lisa Loeb station on Pandora (I mean, how was I not listening to this all day, every day already?!)
Feeling… overwhelmed!  I am in love with the idea of building our own house, but all the decision making gets crazy! 
Planning… super fun and exciting giveaways at Simply Style Boutique!! ;)
Loving… the warm weather and beach days ahead!  How can you not be happy on these oh so perfect sunny days!
Happy Blogging ladies!